London Taxes

London Expats Taxation Guide

It’s a sad fact of life that no matter where you live in the world, you’re going to have to pay tax to someone. Many countries have reciprocal agreements with the UK to avoid double taxation issues. Thankfully, the tax rules in London are somewhat less complicated than other areas of the world. Of course, […]

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London CrossFit

11 Best CrossFit Gyms In London

There’s a reason the military and police forces around the world use CrossFit as a method of training their recruits. Because it works! It’s a way of honing the body into amazing shape using strength and conditioning in ways other than the bland, corporate gyms that, let’s face it, are boring and dull to use.

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Chicago Skyline

London vs. Chicago Cost of Living

Besides being 3958 miles (6370 km) apart, there are other very large differences between Chicago and London. The cost of living is another one of those differences. But surprisingly, according to crowd sourcing data website Numbeo, the average wage after tax in both places is pretty similar. In Chicago, the mean take home salary is £2,072

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London Department Store

Top 7 London Department Stores

London is certainly well off for amazing department stores. Most need no introduction and each offers an incredible array of different goods on offer. In fact, for some even carrying one of their bags with the fabled logo is the epitome of shopping in London. So, without further ado – here is our ultimate guide

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Teaching In London As An Expat

There are many expat teachers holding down great jobs in London. Secondary education teachers in the subjects of maths and science are particularly in demand, and are an occupation on the current UK skills shortage list (as of November 2015). But even if you’re a teacher in another subject, it’s still possible to teach in

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