When you go to any new country, many people want to do their utmost to blend in and not look like a tourist. Sometimes this is easier said than done, but certainly not impossible. When in London, there are many things about people that scream ‘tourist’ – but with a little inside knowledge, you certainly can take steps to ensure that your not one of them.
Stand on the right: This is perhaps the one biggest thing that marks out Londoners from non-Londoners. And it’s all to do with the escalators in the underground stations. Known simply as ‘The Tube’, London’s subterranean train system is the way that pretty much everyone gets around the city. And to get down to the platforms, you have to take a number of escalators. Especially during peak periods (06:30-09:30 and 16:00-19:00) these can become pretty crowded with commuters rushing to and from work.
There’s an unspoken rule that when riding the escalators, if you’re standing still then you should stand on the right. This then leaves the left hand side free for those who choose to walk (or run) up and down. Standing on the left hand side will definitely mark you out as a tourist, as well as being likely to earn you a few frosty stares and even remarks from stressed office workers as well…
Don’t wear a rucksack on your front: Yes, we know it is safer to do so as you can keep an eye on your bag at all times, but most people in London simply sling it over one shoulder. Of course, ensure that your wallet/purse and phone are then kept safely inside a pocket in your jacket.
Bum bags: Are really only ever worn by tourists in London. And whilst it may well feel a safe way of carrying your valuables, what it actually does is make you stand out as a tourist, and will actually cause you attract more attention.
Dress the part: London is a pretty casual city, but wearing an ‘I Love London’ T-shirt will surely mark you out as a visitor.
Don’t count money in public: Okay, so you’re having to get to grips with a whole new currency (British pounds sterling), but standing in a line and discussing whether you’ve got a 20 pound note in your hand or a 10 pound one will not only make you look like a tourist, but can also make you a subject of interest to thieves. Keep a small amount of cash on your person, and try to have notes in smaller denominations. Be aware that the largest note – £50 – could be refused by some retailers.
Avoid clutching your valuables: It may sound a bit daft, but if you cling onto your day sack, purse or other bag as though your life depends on it, then this is likely to have the opposite effect to the one your want. Sure, you need to keep your hands tight on your valuables, but being overly protective only shows would-be thieves that there’s something worth stealing.
Don’t make eye contact on The Tube: Another one of those unwritten Tube rules is not to catch anyone else’s eye whilst travelling. Bizarrely, it’s fine to be squashed up against someone’s armpit when crammed in during rush hour, but beware eye contact or – another complete no-no – trying to strike up a conversation with a random stranger…
Get an Oyster Card: These pre-paid plastic smartcards are used by pretty much everyone in London to pay for their tube and bus fares. Handily, they add together your daily journeys and charge you a capped maximum amount. If you’re planning on using public transport then purchasing one of these babies (from any Tube Station) will not only make you look like a local, but will cost you less in the long run and make your travelling far easier as you don’t have to purchase individual tickets.
Don’t stop in the middle of the pavement: Not only does it infuriate the locals, but it shows anyone that might be watching that you’re lost – and a tourist! Of course, you ARE going to lose your bearings. But rather than stopping in the middle of the pavement, hauling out the map and having a loud conversation about which way to go, stop somewhere more discreet (or even head into a café and discuss the next move over coffee). And don’t forget, some of the best discoveries in any city in the world can be found when you’re lost, and simply stumble across somewhere by accident.
Use your smartphone: Rather than a big tourist map to find your way to places, Google Maps or an app such as City Mapper are great for pointing you in the right direction. And the locals use them too, so this won’t mark you out as being anything other than a normal person finding their way from place to place. Just be sure to put your phone away safely once you’ve got to your destination.
Remember we drive on the left: So that means the traffic is going to be coming from the opposite side of the street if you hail from somewhere that drives on the right. Take your time when crossing the road as it can take months (or even years) for your natural instinct to be to look left first, and then right. In fact, in London it’s always advisable to use the official pedestrian crossings to get across the (sometimes formidable) traffic. Of course, you’ll see locals taking sometimes risks to cross virtually anywhere, stepping out in front of oncoming cars and buses. But this method of blending in is probably not one you should aspire to…